Thursday, 27 December 2007

Training the trainers

Practical experience:Some of the participants using a table tennis ball and a string to test the water flow of a stream near Berapit Hill.

River monitors:These two participants are taught on how to check the condition of rivers.

Looking smart in white T-shirts and blue caps, 52 teachers were up early at Berapit, Bukit Mertajam. Carrying files, buckets, test kits and nets, they were eager to start their day.
The teachers, participants of a River Ranger Trainers Training Workshop, were on a field assignment to begin river mapping near a river source at Berapit Hill.
Also joining them were representatives from non-government organisations and Drainage and Irrigation Department (JPS) officers. Global Environment Centre (GEC) River Care Programme Co-ordinator Dr K. Kalithasan led the participants to three places.
The first stop was at the foothills of Berapit Hill where the river is near its source.
Next was Sungai Rambai, where the river passes through Bukit Mer-tajam, and finally, at Sungai Juru.

The participants were taught how to use three methods to check the river – visual observations, chemical monitoring and biological monitoring.
Through visual observations, participants looked for clues to the health of the stream.
“Healthy streams have lush riparian buffers, clear water and plenty of wildlife.
“Chemical testing is extremely useful in determining sources of pollution as well as specific pollutants,” he said.
He said the water’s pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), turbidity, phosphate, nitrate and temperature were tested with findings jotted down in river report cards and sent to GEC and JPS.
The last method, biological monitoring, had participants wading in the stream and catch aquatic life.
Here they learnt a healthy river would have an abundant aquatic life. The captured species were released back to the river after observation.
At the second site, participants did not wade into Sungai Rambai as pollution was evident in the water. Instead, they used a bucket to collect water samples from the river.
“We can see that the river is quite polluted as it has passed through Bukit Mertajam. House-hold waste, detergent, plastic bags, Styrofoam boxes and bottles are thrown into the drains,” said Dr Kalithasan.
At the final spot at Kampung Tok Keramat tidal control gate near the Prai Industrial Area, there was industrial waste.
The colour of the river water was a mixture of brown and orange.
“The water here will go to Sungai Juru and then into the sea. Tests conducted shows it is a dead river,” said Dr Kalithasan.
After the workshop, participants returned to their schools to train the students selected to be river rangers.
Under the river ranger programme, students all over the country will be roped in to be the eyes and ears of the JPS in its bid to combat river pollution and promote awareness on the importance of maintaining cleanliness of rivers.
The river rangers, who will be under their schools’ Environment Club, will submit a quarterly re-ports on their observations to GEC and JPS.

Wednesday, 26 December 2007

2007/10/24 Tan throws Sungai Juru a much-needed lifeline

Tan Chai Liang checking the water content at Sungai Juru.

GEORGE TOWN: Sungai Juru, one of the dirtiest rivers in Southeast Asia, has found a friend in Tan Chai Liang.

Tan, a property consultant, recently established a web-based information site on Sungai Juru, the first of its kind in the country to highlight the nature of rivers."I stay near Sungai Juru and it hurts to see it branded as one of the dirtiest rivers in the region. It is my wish to see this river cleaned up and rehabilitated," he said, adding that his website would encourage people to jointly help care for the river.The website,, he added, would help raise public awareness on environment and river pollution faced by Sungai Juru.Tan, who lives in Taman Bukit Minyak, near the river, has also formed a community known as Friends of Sungai Juru.

"We gather regularly to help disseminate information to the public to be more sensitive about water pollution and the importance of preserving Sungai Juru."We also actively participate in environmental campaigns, activities and initiatives that help to protect the ecosystem of our river," said Tan, who is also the Taman Bukit Minyak Rukun Tetangga chairman.Sungai Juru is a Class V river, the worst category, for "septic rivers".It was once famous for its cockle-breeding industry, but that changed when industrial and housing development, as well as human settlements arose along the banks of Sungai Juru in the 1970s.The World Health Organisation recently tagged Sungai Juru as the dirtiest river in Southeast Asia.Tan said information gathered and on-site investigations revealed that Sungai Juru pollution was caused by industrial waste from the nearby industrial areas, wet-market waste, household waste and sewage from the residential and settlement areas.He has been working closely with the state Department of Environment and the council to distribute about 5,000 flyers to promote the website.Tan said the Friends of Sungai Juru had been acting as a watch group to monitor rehabilitation measures by the relevant government agencies to revive Sungai Juru."This includes new and existing development projects along the riverbanks." "We want to ensure that the Sungai Juru reserve area will continue to be maintained in order to preserve its flora and fauna."


Pixel Code Graphics

Tuesday, 18 December 2007

28/08/07 - Program Kesedaran dan Peningkatan Kualiti Air Sungai Pinang dan Pelancaran Pusat Informasi Sungai Pinang

Bersempena Minggu Alam Sekitar Peringkat Negeri, JPS Pulau Pinang telah mengadakan Program Kesedaran dan Peningkatan Kualiti Air Sungai Pinang pada 28 Ogos 2007 bertempat di tepi Stadium Lorong Kulit, Daerah Timur Laut. Sempena program tersebut juga diadakan pelancaran Pusat Informasi Sungai Pinang yang telah dirasmikan oleh Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Pelancongan dan Alam Sekitar, Y.B Encik Teng Chang Yeow. Turut hadir bersama memeriahkan program ini ialah Pengarah JAS Pulau Pinang, Encik Ahmad Kamarulnajib bin Che Ibrahim.
Pelbagai aktiviti-aktiviti telah dijalankan pada hari tersebut. Di antaranya ialah pameran, Ceramah Kitar Semula yang disampaikan oleh Encik Don serta Program Bio-Indicator yang disertai oleh pelajar-pelajar beberapa buah sekolah rendah di sekitarnya.Program tersebut berjalan dengan lancar walaupun dalam keadaan hujan hasil kerjasama daripada semua pegawai dan kakitangan JPS yang terlibat.

Monday, 17 December 2007

03/09/07 - Program Peningkatan Kualiti Air Sungai Nibong Kecil

Satu Program Peningkatan Kualiti Air Sungai Nibong Kecil, Daerah Barat Daya, Pulau Pinang telah diadakan pada 3 September 2007 yang lalu bertempat di Taman Sungai Nibong Kecil. Program tersebut telah dirasmikan oleh Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Kerja Raya, Utiliti dan Pengangkutan, Y.B Datuk Koay Kar Huah. Turut hadir bersama memeriahkan program ini ialah ADUN kawasan Pantai Jerejak, Y.B Wong Mun Hoe.

Selain itu, taklimat ringkas dan pameran oleh pihak JAMOF berkenaan kaedah rawatan EM "Effective Microorganisme' yang digunakan untuk merawat kualiti sungai tersebut juga turut diadakan. Kemuncak program ini ialah acara melontar mud balls oleh para jemputan, pelajar-pelajar sekolah dan penduduk tempatan.

Program tersebut berjalan dengan lancar walaupun hasil kerjasama dan komited daripada semua pegawai dan kakitangan JPS yang terlibat.

Friday, 16 November 2007


Satu Perbincangan Pelaksanaan Program River Rangers Pulau Pinang telah diadakan pada
Tarikh : 14 November 2007
Masa : 11.00 pagi
Tempat: Bilik Mesyuarat JPS, Tingkat 29 , KOMTAR

Agenda perbincangan adalah seperti berikut :-
-Perbincangan pelaksanaan program RIVER Rangers
-Majlis Penyampaian Sijil RIVER Rangers
Tn. Hj Hanapi bin Mohamad Noor telah mempengerusikan perbincangan RIVER Rangers.
Sesi penyampaian sijil RIVER Rangers

Semua RIVER Rangers bergambar bersama Pengarah JPS Pulau Pinang dan Jurutera Saliran Dan Sungai.

Thursday, 15 November 2007



TAHUKAH ANDA, berjuta-juta tahun dahulu bumi tidak mempunyai lautan. pada suatu masa apabila permukaan bumi menjadi panas, air di atas permukaannya mendidih. gunung berapi pula memuntahkan udara panas ke atmosfera dan kemudian menyejukkan bumi. titisan air dalam wap panas menyejuk dan jatuh sebagai hujan dan selama beribu-ribu tahun, hujan mencurah turun ke bumi dan membentuk lautan pertama. kini 71% permukaan bumi dipenuhi dengan air. semua lautan di bumi bersambungan dan air yang sama terus berkitar melaluinya. arus air menyebabkan air laut sentiasa penuh dan tidak pernah kering. air dari lautan akan mengewap dan naik menjadi awan dan awan akan membawa hujan dan salji yg akan jatuh ke bumi dan memenuhi lautan dan membentuk tasik dan SUNGAI.


apa perasaan korang kalau jd cm nih???????? ooo... mandi sungai...
sooo enjoy the water but ... please don't make pollution....

DID Malaysia launched River Auditing Program

Each team was given a water testing kit and required to carry out a river health check involving physical, chemical and biological aspects of the river at the specific field locations and record down the findings or results in the report card.

After the on-site field survey, each team was required to present their findings and results in the evening. Participants were also reminded of the importance of correct techniques and processes when conducting the river auditing survey at each field locations.

On the last day, participants were taught on river ranger skill training and presentation.
More info on river ranger program or visit the website of river ranger for more info about its programmes and module contents.

Ir Hj Ahmad Fuad Bin Embi, Deputy Director General of DID officiating the program – River Ranger- Training of Trainers.

Participants gathered at Sungai Ara (Site One) near Taman Mutiara Indah, Berapit, Bukit Mertajam

Dr Kalithasan, Coordinator – River Care Program of GEC explaining the usage of in-situ digital water auditing equipments at Site 1.

Participants were briefed on the correct techniques and processes when using the water testing kit.
The team is busy measuring the velocity of water flows, width and depth of the Sungai Ara and gathering samplings for biological monitoring…..

View of Sungai Rambai – The second location for river auditing survey.

Participants conducting river health check - chemical testing to determine the river’s PH level, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), temperature, turbidity, nitrate and phosphate contents…

Participants checking and record down the results in the report card at each field location. View of Borrow Pit Tok Keramat – The third field location for river auditing survey. The water quality from Perai Industrial Area – yellowish in color, low dissolve oxygen level, high turbidity level, acidic, lack of aquatic life etc… indicating that the water is industrial waste water which is in a seriously polluted condition.

Conducting chemical monitoring on the industrial waste water at Pit Tok Keramat...
Watch The Star online Video on Training of trainers for river care program in Butterworth;
Click Here Now!

Tuesday, 13 November 2007

Program Kesedaran Kualiti Air Melalui Penggunaan Petunjuk Biologi

Pada 25 Ogos 2006 Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran Daerah Barat Daya telah mengadakan Program Kesedaran Kualiti Air melalui penggunaan petunjuk biologi di Taman Rekreasi Sungai Pinang melibatkan peserta daripada kakitangan JPS DBD.

Objektif utama program ini diadakan untuk mewujudkan kesedaran tentang betapa pentingnya sungai dalam kehidupan setiap individu bagi menimbulkan keinginan untuk sama-sama memelihara dan menyintai sungai.

Aktiviti ini adalah salah satu dalam ‘Program Cintailah Sungai Kita’ iaitu melalui pemerhatian sungai yang bertujuan menyebarkan maklumat-maklumat kualiti air sungai serta kesan-kesan pencemaran. Aktiviti ini melibatkan pengukuran kualiti air sungai dijalankan oleh pelajar-pelajar sekolah,pelajar-pelajar IPT dan peserta PLKN.

Petunjuk biologi merupakan satu kaedah di mana kualiti air dikelas berdasarkan kepada jenis hidupan yang hidup dalam air tersebut. Hidupan yang digunakan dalam kaedah ini adalah “macroinvertebrates” air tawar. “Macroinvertebrates” adalah hidupan kecil tanpa tulang belakang yang bersaiz lebih dari 2mm.Ia memerlukan udara,makanan dan tempat tinggal.Tahap toleren sesuatu jenis hidupan terhadap perubahan kualiti air adalah berbeza.Jenis hidupan yang terdapat dalam air tersebut akan menentukan kualiti air.

Semua peserta telah di bahagikan kepada 5 kumpulan.Dengan menggunakan peralatan yang dibekalkan peserta memulakan aktiviti persampelan yang memerlukan peserta turun ke dalam sungai.Dalam proses mengenalpasti peserta telah di beri carta petunjuk biologi dan seterusnya mendapat Indeks Kualiti Air melalui perkiraan.Keputusan yang diperolehi daripada aktiviti yang di jalankan ialah majoriti kumpulan telah mendapat status sungai yang bersih iaitu dalam Indek Kualiti Air yang melebihi 5.1 ke atas.

Sungai sebagai salah satu aset negara yang bernilai (bukan satu bebanan ‘liability’) dan perlu dipelihara. Sekiranya sungai diurus dengan baik, ianya akan memberi pulangan dan menjana ekonomi negara. Oleh itu program ini perlu dijalankan secara berterusan bagi memastikan kesedaran individu untuk mengekalkan kesempurnaan ke atas regim sungai dan persekitarannya.Hubung-kait antara kuantiti, kualiti dan persekitaran terutamanya alam sekitar perlu dititikberatkan dan diseimbangkan di dalam proses pengurusan dan pembangunan sesuatu lembangan sungai.

Monday, 12 November 2007

Environment Awareness Programme at Juru River Dam

The envinronment awareness prgramme for Bukit Tengah area has been held at Juru River Dam area on 4th Nov 2007. The program was organised by LA 21 Environment Working Group for Bukit Tengah Area and launched by YB Ng Siew Lai ADUN Bukit tengah. About 600 people turned up for the event including 160 students from MRSM Transkrian, Nibong Tebal. Amongst the activities held during the event were fishing competition, children coloring contest, water quality test and EM “Effective microorganism” demonstration, exhibition, quiz contest, aerobic exercise etc.

Wednesday, 31 October 2007

sungai juru

River Rangers Programme

Date : 4 November 2007
Vanue : Sungai Juru Dam
Participation : MRSM Student
diharap river rangers lain bleh tolong kami ada urusan kmk & iso di langkawi.anyway wish u all good luck...

Thursday, 28 June 2007


Dear Regina,

Congratulation for your RIVER Ranger Penang blog.
Hope this beging to new era for GEC's RIVER Ranger programme.

Thank you


WAKE ThE BabIESss...

Lilypie 1st Birthday PicLilypie 1st Birthday Ticker